A penpal is defined as, “a person with whom one becomes friendly by exchanging letters; especially someone in a foreign country whom one has never met”.
Despite the fact that Richard and Rose had never met and the place where he resided was foreign to many, the two were not penpals. Richard never wrote to Rose, but he did read every letter she sent… from the rock-bottom of his prison cell.
In the end Richard would come to faith in Jesus Christ and go on to lead thousands more into that same freedom. Although Rose has since entered into her heavenly reward, her legacy continues to bear fruit through the Legacy Rose Project; whose goal it is to facilitate the distribution of ‘roses’ among all those incarcerated. We deliver hope in the mail.
Contact us.
Humble beginnings. The story of Jesus began amidst the filth of a livestock pen, hewn out of rock, where as a newborn He was laid in an animals’ feeding trough. Mine began in the rock-bottom of a prison cell; forgotten, alone and seemingly hopeless.
The humble despair of my circumstances were however no match for the beautiful simplicity of the lifeline He threw my way… a card in the mail.
I encourage you, do not underestimate the life-changing power of an encouraging word and a postage stamp. God has done more with less. Let my story inspire you to believe and intercede for a total stranger behind bars today.
Please let us know if you’d like to be a ‘rose’ or if you have an incarcerated loved one in need of hope.
~Richard Andrew
(909) 915-9138
“Richard, you’re gonna do great things!”
Richard Andrew is just one brush stroke in the masterpiece that was Rose Gunn. Her legacy lives on through the documentary short, “REMADE”.