LOVE SONG GLOBAL is a worldwide, children’s music initiative. Together with our partners, we put music into the hands and hearts of children. To find out how it all started, please watch the video below…
LSG provides musical instruments and music education, along with other gear for those working with kids. Our initial vision targeted kids living on or below the poverty line, however we quickly realized that underfunded or nonexistent music programs created opportunities for us to serve kids from middle class families as well. So from orphanages to after-school programs, both here and abroad, we place instruments within reach of kids.
The benefits of music are far reaching. Music is scientifically proven to help with early childhood development, providing a foundation that helps in every area of learning. Studies show that music can even play a role in addressing certain learning disabilities, such as Dyslexia and A.D.D. Music is also a great outlet to stir up creativity in kids and often reveals artistic abilities they possess. Music also helps in social settings and the formation of friendships. And spiritually speaking, music is the language of the spirit. The soul of every child is sensitive to this fact. The melodies and lyrics that children carry around with them often help to shape their character and belief system.
Currently, we focus on acoustic instruments, such as guitars, ukuleles, cajon, harmonicas, concertinas, etc. We also provide accessories packets which include everything they’ll need to grow as a musician, focusing on maintenance, storage and independent learning.
In addition to self-instruction through printed materials, we also help to educate our kids by providing an actual music teacher. We do this by partnering with local musicians on the ground, and through partnerships with missions teams around the world. By coordinating with churches, we can not only hand-deliver musical instruments, but we can offer education by utilizing musicians from respective missions teams as impromptu instructors. Relationships are key. Churches with missions activity not only serve as our delivery system and instructor pool, but in most cases, they help us to identify need and find homes for our instruments.
If your church or organization would like to be added to our database as prospective instrument delivery persons, music instructors, or if you simply know of a community that could benefit from receiving one of our instruments, please Contact Us!

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