“Today countless people are walking around with a tv in their pockets. We feel it’s important to capture the moments when heaven touches earth and make them available as a witness on social media and streaming platforms. Video in all of its forms is a viable mission field our ministry must embrace.” ~ra
Singer/Songwriter. Worship Leader. Recording Artist.
Music has always been a part of Richard’s life. As a child he took piano lessons and played the clarinet in grade-school, eventually joining the marching band in jr. high. He would swap his clarinet for the trombone in high school before eventually settling on the electric bass guitar. Jam sessions with friends would lead him to a four-piece punk rock band where he spent the majority of his teenage years. The band, Civil Defense, became a staple in the 80’s punk scene of backyard parties, LA clubs and local dives.
Years later, after pawning his bass guitar for food money, Richard abandoned his passion for music; trading it for years of substance abuse. His drug addiction lead him to a four year sentence in a California state prison where his passion would resurface and music would find him again.
Word quickly spread that Richard played the bass guitar on the outside and he was quickly recruited for the prison rock band. The warden allowed for occasional outdoor music festivals known as “yard shows”. The artist lineup was made solely of inmate bands. The show was performed by inmates, produced by inmates, and attended by inmates. Richard’s group played classic rock and hard rock covers. Everything from The Eagles to Metallica.
During his time in prison, Richard connected with a fellow inmate they called “Smitty”. He was always strumming an acoustic guitar out on the yard. This old-school classic rocker, with long, white-blonde hair and a receding hairline would teach RA his first few guitar chords. And those impromptu music lessons would be instrumental in Richard’s second chance at life.
Richard was released from prison in January of 1994. Later that same year he would use those guitar chords as a volunteer musician for a small church plant. And the rest, as they say, is history. A History that is still being written to this very day as Richard continues to answer the call on his life as a full-time worship leader, songwriter and musical evangelist.
For more information on Richard Andrew’s music, including downloads, videos, calendar dates, bio and more, please visit his online Electronic Press Kit.
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California Rehabilitation Center, Norco, CA